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Real Estate Appointments

How To Handle Every Objection
  • By: Matt Milia
  • Published: March 16, 2018

We’ve all heard them. Heck, me might have even used some of these same lines when we had door-to-door salesmen, prospecting phone calls from folks we weren’t expecting, or even with overly pushy car salesmen. It’s the oft dreaded objection. “I have to talk to my wife”, or, how about, “I have to sleep on it. If it’s a good idea today, it’ll be a good idea tomorrow!” Objections are a salesperson’s worst nightmare… or their greatest ally. By being able to articulate your value while overcoming your prospect’s objections, your sale is all but guaranteed. And, even most agents don’t want to admit it, a big part of being a real estate agent is sales… and a big part of sales is objection handling. So here it is… the top objections and a seamless script to be able to adapt to any situation. “Just Bring Buyers…” Of course, I’d love to bring you some buyers; however, the last thing I want to do is it bring people who aren’t qualified to your home, so can you tell me a little bit more about the house? “Why Are You Asking These Personal Questions? I Don’t Feel I Need To Disclose This To You. (Expired)” I completely understand,…Read More

5 Negotiating Tactics That Kill Sales
  • By: Matt Milia
  • Published: February 1, 2018

Negotiation is a subtle art in real estate, but skilled negotiators can usually find some common ground that satisfies all parties. On the other hand, using the wrong negotiation tactics can sink a deal pretty quickly. Here are some negotiation tactics buyers (and real estate professionals) should avoid: Lowball offers: Going far below market value when you make an offer damages your credibility as a buyer and can be insulting to the seller. The seller has a range in mind that they’ll accept, and if you’re not even approaching the low end of that range, they won’t even consider the offer. Incremental negotiations: Don’t continue to go back to the seller with small increases in your offer ($1,000 or less). The constant back-and-forth can grow tiresome and lead the seller to consider other opportunities. “Take it or leave it”: Try not to draw a line in the sand with your initial offer. The seller can get defensive and consider other offers if you immediately show that you’re unwilling to budge. Even if it’s true, don’t make a show of it. Nitpicking after inspection: Obviously, if an inspection reveals a major issue, it should be factored into the final sale price. But insisting on a lower price for every minor repair can…Read More

5 Things You Must Do To Convert Seller Leads
  • By: Matt Milia
  • Published: December 18, 2017

Seller Lead Generation Can Be A Powerful Strategy To Build Your Listing Inventory. You don’t need to be a genius to convert these leads effectively, but you do need a strategy. To make that strategy work effectively, you must attract your seller leads, nurture them and then convert them consistently. Need help converting seller leads while you grow your listing portfolio? [themo_button text=”Click here to find out how we can help you do that” url=”” type=”ghost” target=”_blank”] As with all strategies, you’ll get good results if you do the work. Much like getting fit, you could have Arnold Schwarzenegger as your trainer, but if you don’t lift weights and eat the right goods, you’re not going to get good results. Now, you don’t necessarily have to do these things yourself – you can hire an ISA and some administrative staff members to help you. That said, you’ll at least have to hold the people who are doing the work accountable. Either way, you must take action. Here’s what you need to do in order to build consistency in your seller lead conversion efforts. If you do these things regularly, you get the results you want and need in your listing business. 1- Attract Enough Seller Leads Seems…Read More

Set More Listings With The 4-minute Home Value Script
  • By: Matt Milia
  • Published: October 17, 2017

Hey everybody. Matt Milia of Appointments Today. I want to talk about the importance of having a home value script. We have had an amazing level of success on some of our Facebook leads that our clients are generating. A lot of the leads that we’ve been calling on have been home valuation. What I want to do is run through what a typical home valuation call would look like, because without having a script in front of you, it is very difficult for you to really convey what you’re offering, what you can do, and it’s hard for you to differentiate your value from some of the other people that are calling. I’m going to run through just a quick rundown of what our script looks like, and hope that this will help you out in building your own script. The 4-Minute Home Value Script First things first. I always start off… Intro “Hi, I’m not sure I’ve got the right number, I’m hoping you can help me out. I’m looking for the homeowner at 2730 Main Street. Is that you by any chance? Great. Hey, my name is Matt. I’m giving you a call with Stasek Real Estate Experts. I’m reaching out because I got…Read More